Building website (day 16)

Another day, another task.

I begin to upload my old photo to PHPWebGallery. I learn how to manage them. My brother give hist best command to generate thumbnail and web-sized photo: mogrify -antialias -geometry 640x640 -quality 90 */*.jpg. It works pretty well.

I also begin to organize my wiki. I found another bug in Wiclear : if you rename a node, its sub-node will loose their parents (at least you cannot see it in the "path bar" of the wiki). I need to investigate. I am also quite impressed by Wiclear: this can be beautiful. And i really think the multi language possibility is a great thing.

Good night


1. On Saturday, February 24 2007, 19:31 by David

Hello, je suis tombe sur ce billet par hasard...
Apparement c'est le "nested set model" qui a eu un probleme. Tu peux le regenerer dans le panel d'admin/maintenance/build and repair (voir ).
Sinon si tu as un test case simple pour reproduire le probleme, je veux bien un rapport de bogue stp... :-)



2. On Thursday, March 8 2007, 01:43 by gildor
Oui, ca supprime effectivement le problème. Je l'avais déjà fait. En fait, il n'y a pas de rapport de bug car j'ai testé sur le site racine de wiclear et le bug n'est plus présent.

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