Building website (day 15)

Yep, i am working on it since 15 days. As usual, i try to rebuild the whole things, starting with my old website.

As you can see, i have accepted to use some external application :

  • Dotclear for the blog/news
  • Wiclear for the wiki
  • PHPWebgallery for the gallery (thanks to my brother)
  • Flyspray for the bug tracking

Off course, it takes times to install everything and make it works using my docbook website generated static content.

For this new site, i want to have multi language possibility. So i used po4a for the static web content and wiclear for the wiki. Both of them enable me to publish the content in french and english. I also write a pair of .htaccess file to be able to have a "/en/" and "/fr/" directory and a automatic content negotiation when you enter the website (hints: MultiViews + html.en,

Yesterday i was working on reordering my former gallery to fit well in phpwebgallery, using a chronological order. I have already injected title and comments of each photo in an IPTC tags.

Today, i am working at generating thumbnail and web-sized photo out of original photo. The hard part is to keep metadata information between original photo and web-sized photo. I am using a perl script with Image::Magick and Image::Exiftool. I think i will succeed soon in doing this.

I also try to understand how wiclear works. It is a pretty fine application. It seems a less powerful than xwiki (i use this wiki at work) but it is lightweight and well made (at least for my current need). Well in fact, what is missing :

  • replace the "Add" button to add new wiki page by a direct editing when you follow a link that had no content: for now you get an empty page and when you finish to add a content to it, you get an error message,
  • possibility to add a page not in the main language of the wiki: for now you can only have an english version, if english is the default language, and then you can translate it,

Nevertheless, i am pretty happy with wiclear.

And now, it is late...

Good night

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