Debconf 7 - Already 3 days

A lot of talks for now:

  • Welcome talk
  • Bits from the DPL
  • SE Linux for dummies
  • Data mining popcon
  • Debian installer an update
  • Dependency based boot sequence
  • Rewriting the Policy to be machine interpretable
  • Debian Release Management
  • Debian Live
  • Resurrecting "cruft"
  • OpenStreetMap
  • Popcon BOF

I really appreciate the ones about popcon. I think that today searching packages inside debian is a pain. I think that one of the way to make Debian more sexy is to show what is the best in Debian: a huge number of packages (more or less) well maintained ... This is a real advantage over any other distributions (thinking to Red Hat or Mandriva) which has a lot of disseminated source of packages which are not bound together and most of the time are uninstallable.

The idea behind using popcon data to propose more accurate result is great. I think that this idea combinated with debtags, should enable our users to have really good results when searching for a particular package. Another idea should also be interesting: adding hardware information to popcon. This should enable to do even more precise query (e.g. what TV viewer should i use, considering that my card is XXX). This could save a lot of time to many people that do not exactly know what program to use with their hardware. But the couple of package and hardware data in popcon could led to a problem of privacy...

Anyway, i think that searching a 15000 packages database is not enough efficiant debian (but i must agree that using debtags/ara is already a good way to search).

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