wiclear and GNU arch

I spend my whole sunday playing with GNU arch (tla). While i was looking at distributed SCM, i had a look at it... At this time, i find it was a bunch of very funny commands. I was right ;-)

OK, i am not fair with tla. I think it has some very powerful features. The main problem is the "learning curve" -- to reword with DARCS terminology. The problem has to do with the complex set of command which are available. I think you need a big training in order to begin to understand how tla works...

Another problem: tla remember what i have registered... I need to remove files in ~/.arch-params everytime i need to do crappy things. Not easy for testing purpose ;-) But anyway, after one day, i get a copy of wiclear tla repository and create my own branch for development.

I submitted a patch against wiclear to include some of my changes. After this, i will maybe begin to create an OpenID authentification mechanism.

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