Building website (day 29)

One week since last entry... Is this blog will become soon dead ;-)

During last week I begin to customize themes of the different external applications. I almost succeed with the static website and wiclear. Since I think that the dotclear default theme was really good looking, I choose it as a base. Customizing the two other applications was straightforward, since they have almost the same layout as dotclear (after all the wiki name is ''wiclear"). I think i will have more problem with PHPWebGallery and Flyspray which doesn't have the same layout at all.

I also begin to send bug report to wiclear and PHPWebGallery.

I am thinking of adopting a decentralized software configuration management in order to be able to put my project sources directly on the web server. I am thinking of using darcs. It seems to have a solid theoretical background. This is the kind of things I like. It is also written in Haskell which is enough near to OCaml. And it has a nice web front end.

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