OUnit 2.0 progress

I have recently started to work on OUnit 2.0. The point of this new version will be to adapt OUnit to improve speed and compatibility with third party system:

  • better configuration setup (through the use of environment variable, command line options and configuration files)
  • systematic logging (verbose always on), but output log in a file
  • allow vim quickfix to jump in the log file where the error has happened
  • output HTML report
  • output JUnit report
  • run tests in parallel
  • automatic selection of tests (choose the one that failed in the last run, before re-running the one that was ok)

Only the 3 last point needs to be completed.

Here is a screenshot of Jenkins reading JUnit output of an OUnit test: Jenkins, OUnit test results

So if you have a long standing issue with OUnit, this is the time to submit a bug. OUnit BTS